ruspiro-lock 0.1.0

This crates provide 2 simple atomic locks to be used to ensure safe atomic access to data. This is Spinlock and Semaphore

RusPiRo Lock crate

This crates provide two simple abstractions on low level atomic locks. The Spinlock and the Semaphore.

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To use this crate simply add the dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

ruspiro-lock = "0.1.0"

Once done the definition and usage of the locks is as follows:

Using a Spinlock to ensure exclusive access:

use ruspiro_lock::*;

static SPIN: Spinlock = Spinlock::new();

fn main() {
    // following code is only executed if the lock could be aquired, the executing core pause till then
    let _ = 10 + 3;

Using a Semaphore to specify how often specific access is valid:

use ruspriro_lock::*;

static mut SEMA: Semaphore = Semaphore::new(1);

fn main() {
    unsafe { // unsafe necessary as accessing mut static's is unsafe
        if SEMA.try_down().is_ok() {
            // we gained access to the semaphore, do something
            let _ = 20 /4;


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE or